How do I adjust the ATR120 time clock for Daylight Saving Time (DST)?

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Location of Components

  1. Anti-dust cover
  2. Time card receiver
  3. In/Out advance buttons (6)
  4. Analog clock (Clock dial)
  5. Display
  6. Program mode switch
  7. Reset (return to original factory settings)
  8. Wall-mounting keyholes
  9. Fuse access door
Illustration of the location of various clock components

General Information

To place the clock in the program mode, set the program switch located on back of clock in the upper left corner from NOR to PRO (top position). This now activates the six manual card-positioning switches (IN1, OUT1, etc.) on top of the clock to function as program switches. With the dust cover open you will find that these program switches are numbered 1–6 to simplify programming the ATR120.

The first switch on the top left of the clock (IN1) functions as the feature selection switch and will advance you through the program mode. This switch also allows you to skip over a feature and advance to the next feature without programming. Once a feature is selected, switches OUT1 through IN3 will be used for programming.

The last switch on the right (button six or OUT3) is used to save the program selection to memory. IMPORTANT: If OUT3 is flashing in the lower right corner of the display, the programmed changes have NOT been saved.

Illustration of the programming buttons

Setting Daylight Saving Time

The starting and ending dates for Daylight Saving Time must be set each year. Both the starting and ending dates must be set for Daylight Saving Time to be operational.

At midnight on the starting date, the clock will automatically advance one hour. At midnight on the ending date, the clock will go back one hour. For example, on the first date of Daylight Saving Time, the clock will advance from midnight to 01:00. At midnight on the last day, the clock will change from 00:00 to 23:00.

To set the starting and ending dates for Daylight Saving Time:

  • Enter the programming mode by setting the program switch on the back of the clock to the PRO position. The display vary depending on your payroll cycle (for instance, weekly would show 2–3; bi-weekly would show 3–3 or 3–10, depending on what day of the week it is).
  • Press button one once. If you are entering the programming mode for the first time, you will need to press button one three times to set Daylight Saving Time. The display reads S1 0–0 with S1 indicating the start of Daylight Saving Time.
  • Press button four to set the month (1-12, with 1= January, 2 = February, etc.) The display reads S1 0–0 with OUT3 flashing in the lower-right hand corner of the display. Press button four until the month Daylight Saving Time should start is set. If you are setting the standard U.S. Daylight Saving Time, this should be the month of March(3).
  • Press button five to set the day of the month. OUT3 flashes in the lower-right hand corner of the display. Press button five until the day Daylight Saving Time should start is set. If you are setting the standard U.S. Daylight Saving Time, this should be the second Sunday of March for the current year(8th for year 2020).
  • Press button six to save the month and day Daylight Saving Time should start. OUT3 will no longer be displayed indicating this setting has been saved.
  • The program will automatically switch to setting the ending date for Daylight Saving Time. The display should now read S2 0–0. The ending date for Daylight Saving Time is set exactly the same as the beginning date.
  • Press button four to set the month (1-12, with 1= January, 2 = February, etc.) The display reads S2 0–0 with OUT3 flashing in the lower-right hand corner of the display. Press button four until the month Daylight Saving Time should end is see. If you are setting the standard U.S. Daylight Saving Time, this should be the month of November(11)
  • Press button five to set the day of the month. OUT3 flashes in the lower-right hand corner of the display. Press button five until the day Daylight Saving Time should end is set. If you are setting the standard U.S. Daylight Saving Time, this should be the first Sunday in November for the current year(3rd).
  • Press button six to save the month and day Daylight Saving Time should end. OUT3 will no longer be displayed, indicating this setting has been saved. The display will return to the starting date.
  • Return the program switch on the back of the clock to the NOR position.

Setting the Time Displayed on the Analog Clock Dial

The Daylight Saving Time settings outlined above will automatically adjust the digital display and the printer to and from Daylight Saving Time. You will need to manually reset the analog clock dial to synchronize it with the digital display and printer when the time changes.

The front cover must be opened to set the clock’s analog time.

To open the front cover, turn the clock on its back and remove the two outer screws on bottom of clock. Stand the clock upright with the back facing you. With both thumbs press down on IN1 and OUT3 buttons while using your fingers to push cover away.

Illustration showing how to remove the clock cover

Once the front cover is open, you will be able to set the time on the dial.

Setting the Time Manually

If you have not set the Daylight Saving Time program as outlined above, you will need to manually set the digital display and printer to the correct time when the time changes.

When programming the time, the display will show time in a 24-hour format (i.e. 3:00 PM will be 15:00).

  • Enter the programming mode by setting the program switch on the back of the clock to the PRO position. The display reads 1–31.
  • Press button one once to start setting the current time. This mode starts the clock-timing device. The display indicates the time at which the clock is currently set. Depending on how long you have been in the program mode, the display may advance from the default setting of 00 5:00.
  • Press button four to set the hours (24-hour format; 0-23 with 0 = midnight). The display reads 00 6:00 with OUT3 flashing in the lower right hand corner. Advance to the correct hour. Note: Hold down button four to rapidly advance the hour.
  • Press button five to set the minutes. The display reads 00 6:50 with OUT 3 flashing in the lower-right hand corner. Advance to the correct minutes.
  • Press button six to save the time setting. OUT3 disappears. The seconds reset to 0.

For more information, refer to your User Manual. [ download PDF version ] [contact-service][service-plan]

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