How can I obtain and install the Port Capture Utility?

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Select Save on the dialog box that appears.

The Save As window will appear. In the top center box labelled Save In: select Desktop.

Click Save In the bottom right corner of the window.

After the file has completed downloading, close all windows and double-click on the tsiflaunch.exe icon on your Desktop.

Click Next through the installation then click Finish when the installation is complete.

Restart your computer.

When your computer comes back on you will have to select the com port on which your clock is located. This is typically Com1.

After selecting your com port you should have a new icon that looks like a man sitting at a desk in the lower right corner of your screen next to your clock.

If you hover your mouse over the icon, it should say Time and Attendance Monitor (Com1).

The port capture utility is now installed and working.

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