How do I configure my ATR120r time clock for Daylight Saving Time (DST)?

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General Information

The starting and ending dates for Daylight Saving Time must be set each year. Both the starting and ending dates must be set for automatic Daylight Saving Time adjustments to be operational.

Illustration of clock back showing program switch

To place the clock in the program mode, slide the program switch located on back of clock from Run to Prgm. This now activates the six manual card-positioning switches (IN1, OUT1, etc.) on top of the clock to function as program switches:

Switch Function
IN1 + (Increase set value by 1)
OUT1 – (Decrease set value by 1)
IN2 ENTER (Register / save the set value)
OUT2 BACK (Return to previous setting)
IN3 CLEAR (Cancel the set value)
OUT3 MODE (Select mode / function group)

Illustration of programming buttons

Setting the DST Start and End Dates

When Daylight Saving Time is set, the clock will automatically advance one hour on the designated starting date and subtract one hour on the ending date. By default, the time change is set to occur at 2:00 a.m. (this can be changed).

Enter the programming mode by setting the program switch on the back of the clock to the Prgm position. Press the MODE button until the display reads b001. Illustration showing the first step of setting the starting daylight savings time
Press IN2 / ENTER four times. The lower left corner of the display indicates Program Mode 04 for the starting date of Daylight Saving Time. Press IN1 / + or IN2 / – as needed to set the month to 3 (March), then press IN2 / ENTER to save this selection and advance to the DST start day.
Press IN1 / + or IN2 / – as needed to set the day to the DST starting date for the current year (8th for year 2020), then press IN2 / ENTER to save this selection.
Press IN2 / ENTER to advance to Program Mode 05 for the DST start time. The system defaults to 2:00am. If you do not need to change the DST start time, simple press IN2 / ENTER until the clock advances to Program Mode 06. If you want to change the start time for Daylight Saving Time, press IN1 / + or IN2 / – as needed to set the desired starting hour. Press IN2 / ENTER to save this setting and advance to the DST starting minute.
Press IN1 / + or IN2 / – as needed to set the desired starting minute. Press IN2 / ENTER to save this setting.
If needed, press IN2 / ENTER to advance to Program Mode 06 for the DST end date. Press IN1 / + or IN2 / – as needed to set the month to 11 (November), then press IN2 / ENTER to save this selection and advance to the DST end day.
Press IN1 / + or IN2 / – as needed to set the day to the DST ending date for the current year (3rd for 2019 and 1st for 2020), then press IN2 / ENTER to save this selection.
Press IN2 / ENTER to advance to Program Mode 07 for the DST end time. The system defaults to 2:00am. If you do not need to change this default time, press OUT3 / MODE, then return the program switch on the back of the clock to the Run position. If you need to change the end time for Daylight Saving Time, press IN1 / + or IN2 / – as needed to set the desired ending hour. Press IN2 / ENTER to save this setting and advance to the DST ending minute.
Press IN1 / + or IN2 / – as needed to set the desired ending minute. Press IN2 / ENTER to save this setting. When you have completed setting the DST end time, press OUT3 / MODE, then return the program switch on the back of the clock to the Run position.

For more information, refer to your User Manual. [ Download PDF version ] [contact-service][service-plan]

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