What is the purpose of “Overtime Level 2”?

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Overtime Thresholds specify the amount of time an employee must work before overtime will begin to accumulate. The threshold amounts may be set on both a daily basis and weekly basis. Both the daily and weekly overtime thresholds may be set at two different levels to reflect company policy.

If your employees are paid overtime for working more than 40 hours in one week set Weekly Level 1 to 40 hours and Weekly Level 2 to 168 hours. Setting the Level 2 to 168 hours disables the level 2 settings.

If your employees are eligible for premium overtime pay after a certain number of worked hours then that number should be entered into the Weekly Level 2 field. For example, if an employee accumulates hours at the rate of time and a half (1.5) after 40 hours weekly and double time (2.0) after 52 hours.

The same applies to the Daily Level 1 and 2.  For example, an employee may be eligible for Level 1, time and a half (1.5) after 8 hours daily and Level 2, double time (2.0) after 12 hours daily.

If overtime is not accumulated on a daily basis, set both Level 1 and 2 to 24:00. Entering 24:00 in these fields disables the setting.

Edit the Daily Overtime Threshold Values:

  1. From the main window of the Attendance Rx Administrator, click the Setup icon, or enter the View menu and choose Setup.
  2. Move your cursor to the Daily Overtime value. Change this value to the desired setting for each of the two available levels.
  3. Select Save to save your changes. To quit without saving changes, select another option from the left hand navigation and select No in the Save Changes dialog box. To restore your original settings, click Refresh in the top right hand corner and select No in the Save Changes dialog box.

Edit the Weekly Overtime Threshold Values:

  1. From the main window of the Attendance Rx Administrator, click the Setup icon, or enter the View menu and choose Setup.
  2. Move your cursor to the Weekly Overtime value. Change this value to the desired setting for each of the two available levels.
  3. Select Save to save your changes. To quit without saving changes, select another option from the left hand navigation and select No in the Save Changes dialog box. To restore your original settings, click Refresh in the top right hand corner and select No in the Save Changes dialog box.

Disable Overtime:

You can disable overtime entirely by setting the values to zero hours.

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