How do I adjust the ES700 Atomic time recorder for Daylight Saving Time (DST)?

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Basic programming instructions

To enter the program setting mode, make sure the AC cord is plugged into the AC outlet and remove the cover. Next press the [SELECT] button once. The recorder changes into the program mode showing the upward pointing arrow on the display positioned under the TIME mark.

Illustration of the programming buttons and digital display

Function of control buttons

[SELECT]: You can select the desired program setting mode by pressing the [SELECT] button. Selected program setting mode is indicated by the upward pointing arrow on the display.
[CHANGE]: When you press the [CHANGE] button, you can increment the set value.
[SET]: You can set the value selected on the display by pressing the [SET] button. When you press the [SET] button again, you return the Time recorder to the normal operation mode.

Note: If you see the following display when you press the [SELECT] button, it means that a password has been set for the clock. You will need to enter the password before you can make any setting updates. Refer to your user manual if you need more information.
[ Click here to view or download User Manual ].

Illustration of digital display when password entry is required

Setting Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time Function

DST Execution Time: At 2:00 a.m. on the first day of Daylight Saving Time, the clock automatically gains one hour to show 3:00 a.m. When 3:00 a.m. comes on the last day of the Daylight Saving Time, it loses one hour and returns to 2:00 a.m.

Setting DST: The clock offers three DST modes.

1 (Automatic) DST is automatically set from the atomic clock signal
2 (Off) The clock does not adjust for DST
3 (Manual) Set the DST start and end dates yourself

The factory default setting is 1 (Automatic).

Automatic Updates (Default Setting)

RECOMMENDED If your clock is receiving atomic signals and you observe the U.S. standard Daylight Saving Time change, simply leave the clock’s DST mode set to the default of 1. The clock will automatically adjust for DST on the second Sunday of March and the first Sunday of November every year based on the NIST WWBV Signal.

In this event, no further setting is necessary for Daylight Saving Time. The clock will handle the change automatically.

No DST Updates

If you wish to turn off the Daylight Saving Time adjustment entirely, press the [SELECT] button until the arrow points to DST. Press [CHANGE] until the number 2 is displayed. Press [SET] to accept this setting.

If you do this, the clock will NOT adjust at all for Daylight Saving Time.

Manual Updates

To set the DST start and end dates manually, follow the instructions below. The unit will remember the start and end dates you set, and automatically update the settings every year thereafter. No further manual setting is necessary unless you need to change your DST schedule.

Setting DST Mode to Manual

Press the [SELECT] button and position the downward pointing arrow above the DST mark. The flashing Mode number means it can be changed.
Illustration of digital display when setting DST mode

Press [CHANGE] until the Mode number displays 3. Press [SET] to accept this setting.

If you do this, the clock will NOT automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time. You must set the DST start and end dates manually.

Set the starting date

The display changes, allowing you to set the start date for Daylight Saving Time. The flashing Year means it can be changed.
Illustration of digital display when setting the current year for DST start date

Change the Year: Push the [CHANGE] button if necessary to set the current year and press the [SET] button. The flashing changes from Year to Month.
Illustration of digital display when setting DST starting month

Change the Month: Push the [CHANGE] button to set the month to the desired starting month and push the [SET] button. (The standard month in the USA for DST start is 3, March.) The flashing changes from Month to Date.
Illustration of digital display showing setting the DST start day

Change the Date: Push the [CHANGE] button to set the date to the desired DST start date and push the [SET] button. (The standard date in the USA for DST start is the second Sunday in March.) The starting date of the display changes from flashing to steady and the upward pointing arrow mark is displayed under SU.
Illustration of digital display showing DST start time and date set

Set the ending date

Press the [SELECT] button until the downward pointing arrow is positioned above the DST END mark. The flashing Year means it can be changed.
Illustration of digital display when setting the current year for DST end date

Change the Year: Push the [CHANGE] button if necessary to set the current year and press the [SET] button. The flashing changes from Year to Month.
Illustration of digital display when setting DST ending month

Change the Month: Push the [CHANGE] button to set the month to the desired ending month and push the [SET] button. (The standard month in the USA for DST end is 11, November.)The flashing changes from Month to Date.
Illustration of digital display showing setting the DST start day

Change the Date: Push the [CHANGE] button to set the date to the desired DST start date and push the [SET] button. (The standard date in the USA for DST end is the first Sunday in November.) The ending date of the display changes from flashing to steady and the upward pointing arrow mark is displayed under SU.
Illustration of digital display showing DST end time and date set

Confirm the setting: Push the [SET] button again as necessary until the display returns to the current time.

Important: Printing will not occur unless the confirmation step is completed.

Setting the time manually

Normally, the clock receives the NIST WWVB Signal which will automatically set the time and date. If your clock displays the Atomic Clock Signal indicator, it is receiving the atomic clock signal. In this case, it is not necessary to set the time manually, as your settings will be overridden by the atomic clock signals.

If for some reason your clock is not receiving the atomic clock signal, you can set the time manually.

Set the Time Zone: Press [SELECT] until the downward pointing arrow is displayed above the TIME ZONE mark. Press [CHANGE] until your Time Zone is displayed. (Refer to your User Manual for Time Zone codes.) Press [SET] to accept the setting.

Be sure you have set the Time Zone correctly. If you later go back and change your Time Zone setting, this will also change the Time on the clock.

Set the Time: Press [SELECT] and position the upward pointing arrow is displayed under the TIME mark. The Hour flashes to indicate that it can be changed.

Change the Hour: Press [CHANGE] until the display indicates the desired hour. Press [SET] to accept the selected hour setting. The flashing changes from Hour to Minute.

Change the Minute: Press [CHANGE] to set to the desired minute, then press [SET]. (Note: if the minutes do not need to change, you can simply press [SET] without pressing [CHANGE].)

Press [SET] again as necessary until the display returns to normal operating mode, replace the cover and lock. Important: Printing will not occur unless this step is completed.

For more information, refer to your User Manual. [ Download PDF versionĀ  ] [contact-service][service-plan]

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