How to backup and restore ProPunch data

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To create a backup of your ProPunch data:

  • Open the ProPunch Dashboard by double-clicking the ProPunch Dashboard icon on the desktop. The dashboard can also be opened from All Programs under the computer’s Start menu. Click Yes if prompted to allow this application to make changes to your computer.
  • On the dashboard, click Backup Now.
  • Once the Success message appears, click OK to close.

Backup files are saved in the folder specified in the Backup Location field on the ProPunch Dashboard.


To restore from an existing backup:

  • Open the ProPunch Dashboard by double-clicking the ProPunch Dashboard icon on the desktop. The dashboard can also be opened from All Programs under the computer’s Start menu. Click Yes if prompted to allow this application to make changes to your computer.
  • On the dashboard, click Restore From Backup.
  • A Warning message will appear informing you that all application data that was saved after the creation of the backup to be restored will be lost. Click OK if you wish to continue.
  • A selection window will open displaying the contents of the folder specified in the Backup Location field on the dashboard. If the backup is located elsewhere, you can navigate to that location to select the backup.
  • Select the backup and click Open.
  • A second Warning message will appear informing you that all application data that was saved after the creation of the backup to be restored will be lost. Click OK if you wish to continue.
  • The restore is complete when the Success message appears. Click OK to close.
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