How to enroll a new employee on the time clock

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Note: This topic assumes the time clock has already been connected to the network and added to ProPunch.

Before a new employee can be enrolled on the time clock, the employee must first be added in ProPunch.

  • Log into ProPunch as an administrator.
  • Go to My Employees > Employee Setup.
  • Click the Add Employee green plus sign icon at the top left.
  • Complete all required fields designated with a red asterisk *, along with any desired optional fields.
  • In the Hardware Settings section on the employee profile, set the fields as indicated:
    • Clock User ID – this value is the User ID the employee will be enrolled under on the time clock; it can be up to 9 digits in length. Note: This field is required.
    • Password – this value is the numeric password the employee will use to punch at the time clock; it can be up to 8 digits in length. If the employee will not be punching using a numeric password, this field can be left blank.
    • ID Card # – this value is the number printed on the card/badge the employee will use to punch at the time clock. If the employee will not be punching using a badge, this field can be left blank.
  • Click Save in the upper right of page. Once saved, and assuming the time clock is online, the changes are sent to each time clock.


Note: If the employee will be punching using a password or card/badge, no enrollment at the clock is needed; the employee can begin punching. Enrollment at the time clock is only necessary if the employee will be punching using a finger.


If the employee will be punching using a finger, he or she can now be enrolled on the time clock:

  • At the time clock, press MENU.
  • Select Register, press OK.
  • Select User, press OK.
  • Select New Reg, press OK.
  • Select Finger, press OK.
  • Using the key pad, enter the employee’s Clock User ID defined in ProPunch and press OK.
  • The user will be prompted to take 3 samples of the same finger.
  • If the 3 scans are successful, the clock will prompt to continue.
  • Press OK to enroll a second (backup) finger for the same employee or press ESC to repeat the enrollment steps for the next employee.
  • Once complete, press ESC until the Welcome screen appears.


The employee is now able to punch using the finger just enrolled.

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