My firewall is blocking timeQplus Biometric (v2) / TQ100 terminal communications. How do I fix this?

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Microsoft Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server Users:

Microsoft has included firewall protection on Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and on Windows 2003 Server with Service Pack 1. If you will be installing your timeQplus BIOMETRIC server on either of these two operating systems you will need to grant access on the firewall to the following applications and services after your installation is complete:

  • Attendance Rx
    Note: You will be prompted to unblock this application after the installation is complete, or you can grant access via the firewall.
  • arxsvc.exe
  • ARXTQ100N.exe
  • File and Printer Sharing

Other Firewalls:

Some other firewalls block ports, and authorized applications can be granted access to use specific ports. If you have this type of firewall you should open the following ports:

  • TCP — Open ports 49183 to 49188
  • UDP — Open ports 49211 to 49212
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