One of my employees is identified as another employee when he/she clocks in or out. How do I fix this so employees are correctly identified?

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It is rare, but possible, that some individuals may be “recognized” by the timeQplus Biometric system as someone else.

Normally, when an employee clocks in/out, he or she simply places the appropriate finger on the scanner pad. The scanner searches through the database looking for the best match to the scanned fingerprint. This is known as a One to Many comparison.

The majority of the time, the system correctly identifies the individuals and they are clocked in or out. Occasionally it cannot decide, and the employee receives the message to “Try again.” Rarely, the system declares a match to the wrong person and records a punch for the incorrect employee.

There are four possible ways you can handle this issue:

  1. Adjust the sensitivity settings for one or both of the individuals involved. You can slightly decrease the sensitivity setting of the person trying to punch and/or slightly increase the setting of the person whose name is coming up in error.

  2. Re-enroll one of the individuals using a different finger.

  3. Instead of allowing the system to search through all the fingerprint templates stored in memory looking for the best match, tell it to compare the scanned print directly against the template stored for the specific individual attempting to clock in or out.

    Instead of simply placing the enrolled finger on the scanner pad, have the employee first enter his or her assigned ID number. Ignore any request for a password and place the enrolled finger on the scanner pad. The system will access the template stored for that ID number and compare the scanned fingerprint directly against that template. If the system detects a match, the employee will be clocked in or out. This is known as a One to One comparison.

  4. Assign the employee a password, which will allow the recording of punches simply by entering the ID number and password. This will work by bypassing the need for fingerprint verification. This option will allow potential “buddy punching,” so it should be use sparingly.

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