We have temporary workers who do not have badges, but need to clock in or out. How can they use the timeQplus badge terminal without a badge?

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If you have temporary workers who will need to punch In/Out on the badge time clock/terminal but do not have a badge:

  • When configuring the new employee on the timeQplus Server, input the employee Name and UserID. Also type the same UserID number in the Badge field to allow the employee to be enrolled on the time clock. Click Save.
  • Click on the Detail button to bring up that employee’s detailed information, and enter a numeric password in the Password field. Click Save.
  • Continue with new employee set up as normal.
  • When the worker needs to punch the clock they will key in their UserID using the terminal’s numeric keypad and press OK. The clock will ask for their password, which they will also enter using the terminal’s keypad. The password can be up to 5 digits. If the password is less than 5 digits, the employee must press the OK key after entering the password. When the password is a full 5 digits, after the number is correctly entered, the clock will say “Thank You” without the worker pressing the OK key.
  • When both numbers are entered correctly, the clock will store the punch.
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