How do I enroll employees on a timeQplus remote TQ600B biometric terminal / clock?

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The timeQplus application will allow you to install and use timeQplus time clocks (terminals) at locations outside of your Local Area Network (LAN). These are referred to as “remote” or “USB” terminals. Employee registration data and employee clock punches will be transferred back to the timeQplus Server via a USB flash drive (also called a thumb drive, pen drive, etc.).

If you will be using Work Codes to capture labor time for different categories you will need to set these up first. Refer to this article for more information on configuring and using Work Codes.

Configuring Employee Data on the timeQplus Server:

  • Log in to the timeQplus software as the Administrator.
  • Using the Employees screen, add the employees. Enter the required employee data: Name, UserID and Shift.
  • After data for all employees has been entered, print an Employee Profiles Report. This will be used for employee fingerprint template enrollment.

Setting up the Biometric USB Time Clock:

  • While logged in to the timeQplus software as the Administrator, go to the Time Clock window. Click the USB Flash Drive on the vertical tabs. Press Add Terminal button. Select device ID number, time zone, and click on the Biometric button.
  • Press Next, and then press the Finish button.

Capturing Employee fingerprint templates on the Biometric Time Clock:

  • Refer to the TQ600 User Manual for more information on how to enroll employees on the Biometric time clock/terminal.
  • Using the Employee Profiles report you printed earlier, enroll employees using the PIN from the report.
  • If an employee has difficulty enrolling the fingerprint, try a different finger, or enroll the employee using their fingerprint and a password. This will result in a 1-to-1 comparison of presented fingerprint to fingerprint template, which may improve fingerprint recognition.
  • After all employees are enrolled insert a USB flash drive into the USB port on the time clock/terminal. Select Menu -> PenDrive Mng -> Download User. This will copy the employee data and fingerprint templates to the USB drive.
  • Remove the USB flash drive from the terminal.

Transferring the employee templates to the TQP Server:

  • Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port on the TQP Server.
  • Log in to the timeQplus software as the Administrator and go to the Employee page.
  • Click on an employee that was enrolled on the terminal, click the Enroll Template button. Then select the option: Enroll new employee on a remote timeQplus Terminal.
  • Press Enter and follow any on-screen instructions to complete the process.
  • Repeat for each enrolled employee.

Transfer Employee Names to the TQ600 Terminal:

  • While logged in to the timeQplus software as an Administrator, go to the Terminal screen. Select the Remote vertical tab.
  • Ensure a USB flash drive is inserted to an available USB port on the timeQplus Server. Click Save to USB Drive to load employee names onto the USB flash drive.
  • Take the USB flash drive to the TQ600 time clock/terminal and plug into the clock’s USB port.
  • Select Menu -> PenDrive Mng -> UpLoad User.
  • Once employee names have been added to the terminal, you can remove the USB flash drive.

Summary of Steps

  1. Enter employees into the timeQplus software database with a UserID.
  2. Capture employee fingerprint templates at the biometric time clock/terminal using the previously assigned UserID.
  3. Copy the fingerprint templates from the clock/terminal to a USB drive.
  4. Move the USB drive from the clock to the server.
  5. Use the Enroll Template function to retrieve the fingerprint templates from the USB flash drive and load into the timeQplus database.
  6. Load employee names from the timeQplus software database to the USB drive, using the Load to USB function on the Time Clock screen.
  7. Plug the USB drive into the clock/terminal and use the Upload User function to upload employee names to the clock.

Other important information:

  1. Adding new Employees: To add new employees, configure them on the timeQplus administrator computer just like the original employee data entry. Use the same process as outlined above to load the flash drive with employees. This will copy all employees to the flash drive. Load the data into the terminal using the same steps outlined above, and your new employee will be added.
  2. Deleting an Employee: Deleting an employee is a two step process. First delete the employee from the timeQplus Server. If the employee has any punches in the current or previous pay period the system will mark the employee for deletion by drawing a red line through the employee data on the Employees screen. The employee will be deleted after there are no more punches in the current or previous pay periods. You must also delete the employee from the terminal. Refer to the terminal User Guide for instructions.
  3. Fingerprint issues: In some rare instances, you may have a few workers who will need to punch in/out on a biometric time clock, but their fingerprints are not clear enough to be electronically recognized. Please refer to this article for more information on how to handle this situation.
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