How do I set up lunch rules in Time Q +Plus or PayTime?

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Open Time and Attendance.

Open Shifts.

In the Shift Number drop down box, select the shift you would like to modify.

Check the Lunch Rules Enabled check box.

The Lunch Start Time should be at least 30 minutes before the earliest time an employee on this shift is allowed to take lunch.

The Lunch Stop Time should be at least 30 minutes after an employee on this shift is allowed to return from lunch.

Set the Lunch Duration to the minimum number of minutes you want employees to have deducted from their day for lunch.

Set the Auto After time to the minimum number of consecutive hours that you want an employee to work before a lunch is automatically deducted. This number should be greater than 5, but does not have to be.

Shift one enabled with the default settings looks like the image below

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