What do the Round, Grace and Dock settings under Shift Rules mean?

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The Shift Round, Grace, and Dock times are times that you will have to specify. Due to variations in laws across the country, we cannot tell you what your settings should be. We can only tell you what the field means and what effect it will have on your employees.

Shift Start Round is used to round punches that occur before the shift start forward to the shift start time.

Shift Start Grace is used to round punches that occur after the shift start time back to the shift start time.

Shift Start Dock is used to round punches that occur after the shift grace time forward to the shift dock time.

Shift Stop Round is used to round punches that occur after the shift end back to the shift stop time.

Shift Stop Grace is used to round punches that occur before the shift end time forward to the shift start time.

Shift Stop Dock is used to round punches that occur before the shift grace time back to the shift dock time.

Please consult with a qualified legal advisor as to what the settings are allowed for these in your jurisdiction. You may also find additional information in your software User Manual. If you cannot locate your user manual, click here to download or print a copy.

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